Italian Highlight

Entering this country, the magnitude of the accomplishment becomes clear. Connecting all the churches is a labyrinth: pathways and steps smoothed and bowed by years of footfalls.
What stands today is a place quite like any other : magnificent churches, authentic cooking technique, blue sea and cascading down cliffs.
All, however are a prelude to the daily drama of the lives of the locals from this enchanting country.

Girl's Getaway
A girls' trip is the best way to bond with your besties and learn more about what makes them happy, when viewing the world through the lens of travel.

Cinque Terre
Italian Summer
Explore one of the most aesthetically appealing coastal villages of Italy through my photostrories

Legacy Pizza
The city known for its great showcase of the country's legacy pizza.
Between the fountains, the gelatos and the intimate boutiques- Italy fits a pretty uncontroversial idea of paradise!